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PLay your game ! written by poliakov, 2016-05-23 14:25 CEST (0 comments)


Cup starts now! Play your game.

Schedule :
First round winner : monday/tuesday
First round loser : tuesday/wednesday
Semi-Final winner : wednesday/thursday
semi-Final loser : thursday/friday
Final winner : friday/saturday
final loser friday/saturday/sunday
Grand Final : Sunday night

http://challonge.com/fr/q4reborn2 [challonge.com]

Please report results on challonge.com

q4 reborn cup #2 written by poliakov, 2016-05-16 12:11 CEST (0 comments)

Please join us on discord : https://discord.gg/010nyQ0GaHOoCWbi5 [discord.gg]

Next cup is on challonge.com, plus sign in :
http://challonge.com/fr/q4reborn2 [challonge.com]


Bracket and Schedule written by poliakov, 2016-05-08 23:56 CEST (0 comments)

Brackets here : http://q4rebornleague.tourney.cc/brackets/ [q4rebornleague.tourney.cc]

Schedule :

poliakov Vs Anon => next tuesday 9:30 pm (GMT +1) report to wednesday 9:30pm? (Anon have to confirm)

zuphrin Vs nohon => next tuesday 10:30 pm (GMT +1)

falcuma Vs kthan => next wednesday 9:30 pm (GMT +1)

Thursday 9:30 pm Drejk Vs Poliakov|Anon
Thursday 10:30 pm zuphrin|nohon Vs Falcuma|kthan

Sunday 9:00 pm Finale

Mail q4reborn@gmail.com or add me on steam for reschedule.
Also you can ask Zuphrin

After the game send demos + screenshots to q4reborn@gmail.com. Please add times to the demos if they consist fragmovie worthy material.

Have fun
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